
Re-elect Judge Chris Johnson - Hays County Court at Law #2

Judge Chris Johnson
County Court at Law #2



Duty. Honor. Justice. That’s more than a campaign slogan, it’s my commitment to the people of Hays County and to those who come before the County Court-at-Law No. 2. Since I first took the oath of office in 2018, I have done my duty and honored the traditions of our Court through storm and pandemic, always faithfully ensuring that justice is done, to the best of my ability. It has not always been easy, but it has been fulfilling. Whether I’m up late at night to review warrants, on the bench weighing the consequences of courtroom decisions, or shouldering the additional duties of Administrative Judge for the Hays County Courts at Law, I am thankful to the voters of Hays County for the trust they have placed in me. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to serve as judge of the Hays County Veterans Treatment Court; it is a privilege to be part of the healing journeys of these courageous men and women.

I humbly request your support as I seek a second term in office and further opportunity to serve the public in the courthouse I love so much. Thank you for your support and encouragement.


Hon. Chris Johnson
Judge Chris Johnson
Hays County Court-at-Law No. 2


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P.O. Box 1444
Dripping Springs, TX 78620

